Manhole Ring Cover Replacement & Restoration

Manhole Ring Cover Replacement & Restoration by RCM Utilities
Manholes often leak, leading to high sewage treatment costs and potential overflows into lakes and streams, or they are not level with the road, causing traffic hazards. The Mr. Manhole Method offers a solution by quickly removing the manhole and replacing it with a new, structurally sound, watertight assembly. This method allows for smarter, faster, and safer repairs, completed in a fraction of the time compared to conventional approaches. Other benefits of the RCM Utilities method using Mr. Manhole include:
- Reduction of waste by 20% by using round cuts
- Rebuilds are watertight and last approximately 20 years
- Corrects both leakage and uneven manholes
- Time and budget efficient
While traditional contractors rely on saws and air hammers to rehabilitate manholes, which require significant labor and materials, our process includes removing the frame and they begin to rebuild the chimney structure. This involves taking a 150-lb concrete ring, matching the height and slope of the road, and making it watertight, which is no easy task. RCM Utilities’ quick and efficient system allows for more manholes to be repaired in less time and at a lower cost, maximizing the municipal budget.